A story always has two sides. Criminal defense is important because people are not actually criminals until the prosecutor can prove the action itself was a crime. But the prosecutor may only see one side of a story. The accused may have been acting out of...
Month: March 2023
Reasons not to mention your divorce on social media
It’s probably tempting to talk about an upcoming divorce on social media. Many people post everything major that happens in their life on such platforms nowadays. Determining that you are going to end your marriage certainly seems like something you would want to...
2 important considerations for those considering a gray divorce
Not that many years ago, people talked about divorce as something that young people would do after getting married too early or making poor choices. There was a long-standing assumption that those who remain married for a decade or longer were very unlikely to...
When does DUI become a felony?
Florida takes driving under the influence (DUI) charges very seriously, imposing hefty fines and sanctions for offenders. This violation is usually a misdemeanor, but that is not always true. Some factors could escalate it to a felony, depending on the details of the...