Most Florida drug charges are straightforward. Police officers search someone and find inappropriate items in their pockets or in their backpack. Other times, the situation may be less clear-cut. For example, police officers may find illegal or controlled substances...
Month: June 2024
Can you refuse to submit to a blood alcohol test in Florida?
If the police arrest you on suspicion of drunk driving, they will usually ask you to take a test. Under Florida law, you are deemed to have already given consent to an approved chemical or physical test for alcohol. Thus, you could face unfavorable consequences, if...
What happens to a couple’s marital home during divorce?
People who are going through a divorce have a lot of things to consider. For some, determining what to do with the marital home is a primary concern. Because the marital home is often the largest asset that a couple owns, many individuals who are going through a...
Does marrying too young contribute to divorce?
Is there an ideal age to get married? While this question may not have a one-size-fits-all answer, some ages may be considered "too young" for marriage. Studies show that people who get married too young are more likely to get a divorce. So, why does this happen?...