Taxpayers who learn about a tax issue often worry about what happens next. Many people have heard horror stories about business owners, self-employed professionals and even celebrities going to jail because of tax issues. They may feel anxious every time they see a...
Month: November 2024
Can getting help for an overdose protect you from drug charges?
The number of fatal drug overdoses in Florida remains alarmingly high both for those who live in the state and those who visit. In fact, a recent study found that Americans who died while visiting our state were 63% more likely to have been the victim of a drug...
Prepping for divorce: 3 steps to take before filing in January
Are you already sure you want a divorce? Are you just waiting for the holiday season to be past to file? You’re not alone. For a variety of reasons, a lot of people wait until the winter holiday season is over and file their divorce petitions in January. However, that...
Licensing penalties associated with Florida DUI convictions
Most people rely on the freedom to drive to conduct their daily lives. They transport themselves to and from work on a daily basis. They may also run errands and transport their family members to school for medical appointments. People become so acclimated to driving...