Who should you tell you are divorcing?

On Behalf of | Jul 31, 2024 | Family Law

If you have decided to divorce you clearly need to inform your spouse and any children you have. You’ll probably also want to let family and friends know, as you may need them to help you with the upcoming changes, or provide emotional support.

Is that the complete list? Or are there others you might consider telling your news to? 

You may want to tell your boss

Letting your boss know you might need time off to attend appointments. Or that you do not have the capacity to undertake extra responsibilities right now because you are busy trying to sort your personal life out can be helpful to them and you. They can plan around this, and you can hopefully get cut a bit of slack.

You should also inform your child’s school

As much as you can take measures to help your children through the divorce you need to remember that once they reach a certain age, they spend most of their time under the care of other adults – namely their school teachers.

Letting the school know gives the teachers vital information. It can help them understand why your child might be acting differently, or forgetting their sports kit or homework (because they left it in the other parent’s house). Without that information, they might just assume your child is misbehaving or cannot be bothered. The teachers can also feed back information to you, providing valuable observations on how the divorce might be affecting your kids.

Learning more about the appropriate steps to take can increase the chance your divorce is a success.