Many Florida residents have social media accounts and frequently interact with online friends. However, an internet acquaintance is not necessarily the same thing as a personal friend. Divorce is difficult enough without getting social media involved. That’s why couples headed toward divorce should take precautions when posting on social media, especially if they have young children.
Similar to nosy neighbors, social media friends may not even realize they are spreading harmful gossip. A couple that does not wish to experience a difficult divorce should ensure that they keep their private issues to themselves. If they choose to post negative comments about their spouses, they may face difficulties in the courtroom. People interacting via social media tend to forget they are sharing private information. Consequently, it is advisable to set social media accounts to the privacy mode.
Things can go back to normal after the couple receives a final decree from the court. Even then, ex-spouses should not post negative comments about their former husbands or wives. It is particularly wise for parents to avoid drama. Posting negative comments about a former spouse’s attitude or failure to make child support payments may cause legal battles. Although the divorce is final, child custody arrangements can still change depending on the circumstances.
Instead of posting private information online, a divorced parent has the option of consulting with a family law attorney. Offering guidance about legal matters, a divorce lawyer may provide solutions to difficult questions and circumstances. Child support and custody are often of paramount importance. Making decisions about important issues without legal counsel may result in a plan that does not benefit the child. Divorce does not need to have negative connotations if the legal details are resolved.