Protect Your Visitation Rights. Our Punta Gorda Family Law Attorneys Are Here To Help.
The involvement of both parents is very important to development and well-being of a child. The family courts recognize that the bond between child and parent is precious, and seek to provide the child with adequate time with both parents. Although parents have the option to create their own custody and visitation schedules, the court will do it for them if they cannot reach an agreement. Visitation is the right granted to noncustodial parents to enable them to spend adequate time with their children. This means that if one parent is awarded primary custody to have the child live at their residence most of the time, the other parent will be awarded visitation rights.
Understanding Visitation Schedules In Florida
If you are awarded visitation by the family court, you will have scheduled time with your child on a weekly or monthly basis, depending on the specifics of the court order.
To avoid miscommunication, Florida’s visitation guidelines address:
- The age of the child – There are different guidelines for children under 18 months of age and for children 18 months of age or older.
- Weekdays and weekends – Your schedule will establish specific visitation times for both weekdays and weekends, although holidays and vacations fall under different guidelines.
- Holidays – Your schedule will address custody and visitation for every holiday, the children’s birthdays, and the parents’ birthdays. Visitation rights for these days will depend upon whether the year is odd or even and which parent has been assigned visitation in that type of year.
- Annual visitation – The guidelines provide each parent with the right to have a yearly period of visitation that is not interrupted by visitation with the other parent.
- Annual vacations – The parent without primary custody is given the first choice of annual visitation time with the children. In light of this, each parent is required to designate and submit the dates of their planned vacations on or before a specific time.
Protect Your Visitation Rights With The Help Of A Punta Gorda Attorney
If your former spouse or partner is violating your visitation rights or if you would like to seek increased visitation time with your children, a Punta Gorda divorce lawyer from our firm can help. Leskovich Law Group, P.A. has over 50 years of combined experience handling family law cases, and we can assist you with protecting your visitation rights.
One of our seasoned lawyers can help you petition for modification of the original visitation order to help you protect your relationship with your children. No matter the circumstances of your case, you can be confident that you will receive nothing less than exceptional legal counsel and advocacy from our firm.
To learn more about your rights, call 941-621-6623 today. Free consultations.